MaineHousing Partnership
Accessing New Funding Resources
Tim Reinken and his father Rob are experienced real estate development and construction professionals. They have a proven track record cultivating projects from conceptual design through operation.
But when Genesis met them in 2023, they had never sought financing for their projects from MaineHousing, the independent state agency that works to expand the state’s quality affordable housing. MaineHousing funding programs ensure new housing units start out and remain affordable for the long term.
“We’re thankful for guidance from Genesis, and ready to break ground on this project as soon as we get the greenlight from MaineHousing.”
After attending an information session led by Genesis at York Housing Authority, the Reinkens followed up with Genesis staff to prepare for an application to MaineHousing for funding for an 18-unit affordable housing development in Sanford, Maine.
The guidance from Genesis was part of the first year of our partnership effort funded by MaineHousing to build capacity among developers and community partners to put together affordable housing projects.
In that first year, a dozen new projects that could create a total of 158 new units in different regions of the state, became ready to apply for agency funding. In 2024, we launched the second year of our capacity-building partnership with MaineHousing.