
Invest and Make an Impact


When you invest in the Genesis Fund, you become a catalyst for change in local communities.

As with other financial investments, your investment in Genesis can earn a financial return. You loan your money to the Genesis Fund, and earn a modest financial reward for doing that.

But here’s what’s most exciting: our investors become an integral part of compassionate, creative, flexible solutions that ignite transformative change for individuals and communities.

Every dollar invested in the Genesis Fund helps make it possible for Genesis to deliver the capital that empowers communities to overcome barriers, so they can create affordable housing and other community development.

An investment in the Genesis Fund supports numerous projects over its term. As Genesis borrowers repay loans, the funds become available to meet other communities’ needs, “revolving” with impact, again and again.

Join us in transforming lives and building more inclusive and prosperous communities. Invest in Genesis today!

Download the forms you need to make your first investment: Individual or Institution.

Is our impact investment program something you want to learn more about? Contact us. We’re easy to reach and talk with.

Read more: Why invest with Genesis?

The above is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Genesis Community Loan Fund Prospectus, available here.
PHOTO A resident's welcoming display at the entrance of an affordable apartment that Genesis loans helped create. Photo: Flax Studios
“It is difficult to focus on education, language training, or workforce programs when you don't know where you will be sleeping at night. Affordable housing is not only a matter of social responsibility, but also an essential economic strategy.”
— Ruben Torres, Maine Immigrants' Rights Coalition communications and policy lead