News + Events
News You’ll Want to Know
“Homeownership is the key to attaining generational stability. Education + starter home inventory provides a new pathway for our neighbors.”
Check with us for news about Genesis, affordable housing, and events our community partners make possible.
January 25
Throughout 2024: Affordable Housing Development Information Sessions
Genesis has partnered with MaineHousing to guide small-scale developers, community groups, and municipalities around the state to develop project plans and seek funding to build affordable housing. Last year, the first year of this groundbreaking collaboration with MaineHousing, Genesis staff provided training in person or virtually for eight Maine regions. These information sessions and customized follow-up conversations offered guidance and
November 3
Love Lewiston Day
Tree Street Youth, a Genesis community partner, is calling for a citywide, statewide, nationwide Love Lewiston Day this Friday, November 3 to honor the shooting victims and their families, thank first responders, and “personally care for ourselves by caring for the community we all LOVE.” Organizers encourage all of us to spread love in our own ways or by participating