Invest with Impact

By aligning your investment strategy with your values, you can drive positive change and make a real difference for communities of all kinds.
The Genesis Fund offers a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations to become partners in local development projects that foster vibrant, resilient, equitable communities.
Every dollar you or your institution invests contributes to building our portfolio of loans to create, preserve, and expand affordable housing and community facilities.
And unlike investment funds with rigid, exclusive approaches and complex processes, we keep it simple for investors, while mitigating risks.
Our investors have choices:
- How much to invest, starting at $1,000;
- How long to invest, with a one-year minimum; and
- How much to earn annually (individuals: up to 3.5%, institutions: up to 2%).
Over more than 30 years, our fund has a record of 100% repayment to investors.
- We carefully monitor our diverse outstanding loan portfolio to ensure performance.
- We maintain a net asset position that would enable us to cover substantial losses.
- We maintain reserves to protect investors from any losses in our portfolio, and we secure with collateral the loans we make.
Bottom line? Our simple, accessible impact investment opportunity blends financial and social returns. With impact, you can connect your capital to concrete solutions that address critical, complex community needs.
Download the forms you need to make your first investment: Individual or Institution.
Or download our investment brochure or contact us to learn more about our impact investment program.
Read more: Investor Stories
The above is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Genesis Community Loan Fund Prospectus, available here.
“Where others saw blight, Genesis saw young families who would flourish if given a chance. They saw a community worth investing in and, without hesitation, brought new capital to bear.”