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ABOVE Renderings by Aceto Landscape Architects, courtesy of Renewal Housing.

Historic Waterville

Revitalizing Downtown

An ambitious $35 million project, the Head of Falls Village in downtown Waterville will become a cornerstone of the city’s revitalization efforts. The project’s 63 housing units include 18 workforce housing units through MaineHousing’s Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program. A Genesis loan to acquire the property helped launch the project, which began with cleaning up the site of this former industrial mill.

Historically, Waterville’s mills attracted immigrants seeking better jobs and living conditions. Many Syrian-Lebanese immigrants settled in the Head of Falls area, and Arabic was commonly spoken in the streets of this neighborhood that was razed during Waterville’s urban renewal program of the 1960s.

Today, renewed collaboration among the public sector, private businesses, and nonprofit organizations will ensure the city’s revitalization provides muchneeded housing as well as retail space. Head of Falls Village will include both, plus space for community nonprofits.

“I hope Genesis will help launch more projects like this. It’s critical to relieving our housing shortage and will transform the streetscape and create a vibrant gateway to the Head of Falls neighborhood.”
—REBECCA GREEN, Waterville City Council chair