Impact Investing FAQ
Impact Investing FAQ
The Genesis Fund provides a unique investment opportunity for individuals and institutions to put their assets to work for local community development.
Answers to our most frequently asked impact investing questions are below.
Or, feel free to download our Investor FAQ here.
We also offer a downloadable investment brochure.
The above is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Genesis Community Loan Fund Prospectus, available here.

“Thank you for the time you spent talking with us last week. You provided a lot of helpful information and clarified a number of questions.”

Kennebunk, Maine
Kate Manahan and Family

South Portland, Maine
Brenda Peluso, Former Board Member

Wayne, Maine
Andrew Gorrill

Portland, Maine
Mark Swann, Executive Director of Preble Street

Damariscotta, Maine
Heather Burt, General Manager of Rising Tide Co-op