Investor Stories
Meet Our Investors

We admire and thank every one of our diverse impact investors for the choice they’ve made to invest in the Genesis Fund.
Whether investing their personal funds or making decisions on behalf of institutions, Genesis investors have a shared interest in making a difference for communities.
Read what some of them have to say about how investing in the Genesis Fund helps them do that.
And download our investment brochure to learn more.
The above is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Genesis Community Loan Fund Prospectus, available here.
LEFT Kay and Kathleen work to support unhoused members of their community at Tedford Housing in Brunswick. With the help of Genesis Fund investors, Tedford will be constructing a new 64-bed emergency shelter with apartments for families and dormitory space for adults. Photo: Flax Studios.
“I slept better the first night here than I’ve slept in a long time, and now I have so much to live for.” said Nicholas Miller, a resident.”

Kennebunk, Maine
Kate Manahan and Family

South Portland, Maine
Brenda Peluso, Former Board Member

Wayne, Maine
Andrew Gorrill

Portland, Maine
Mark Swann, Executive Director of Preble Street

Damariscotta, Maine
Heather Burt, General Manager of Rising Tide Co-op